Clinic Hours: 9:15am to 4:15pm
If there is a situation while the clinic is closed that cannot wait, the student should report to their grade level house and someone will provide assistance or get in contact with the nurse.
All students coming to the clinic must have a clinic pass.
Parents, please also be aware of the contact numbers we have on file. If your phone number or contact information changes, please let the school know right away. In a case of an emergency, we will need to get ahold of the parents immediately. Thank you for your consideration.
School Nurse: Shana Corbett
Extension #: 23298
A medical reminder to parents
If your student has a potentially life-threatening condition (such as asthma, seizures, significant allergies), an Emergency Care Plan must be on file with your school each school year.
Also, students are not allowed to carry medication of any kind on campus without proper authorization. Below are the links necessary to have the proper paperwork on file with School Health Services.
Emergency Care Plan
For students who have a potentially life-threatening health condition. Must be completed by physician and parent/guardian. EMERGENCY CARE PLAN
Authorization for student administered epinephrine auto-injector
Authorizes student to carry auto-injector on person. Must be completed by physician and parent/guardian. (For student to keep on person) AUTHORIZATION FOR STUDENT ADMINISTERED EPINEPHRINE AUTO-INJECTOR FORM
Free Asthma Basics training for parents
American Lung Association is offering parents the Free Asthma Basics training. This information is free. Parents can create a login and take the one hour asthma course to learn ways to assist their child. Once complete, there is a certificate provided. Bring in a copy of the certificate to the clinic staff to help support the goal of accomplishing the Asthma Friendly School recognition.
Please view the Student Health services website to access the new medication forms and or procedure forms. Medication forms, procedure forms, and emergency care plans must be renewed by the parent, at or before the beginning of each school year in order for your child to receive medication or procedures during school hours on a school campus. Students carrying their own epipen, inhaler or diabetic supplies, are also required to have medication forms on file with their zoned school. Below are a few helpful links.
- Clinic Information - Information about services provided
- Health Related Authorization Forms - Authorization forms, Sick Day Guidelines and other useful forms
- Information on Common Childhood Diseases
- School Entry Information - School Entry Physical, Screenings and Immunization Requirements information
- Florida KidCare Health Insurance - Information about Florida KidCare
Administration of Medication
Only the principal, school nurse, or trained staff shall administer prescription medication to the student or assist the student in the administration of such medication on a school campus. Prior to the administration or self-administration of medication, including over the counter medications, parents/legal guardians must complete the designated forms. At no time may a student bring any medication to the school. Medication must be transported to school by a parent or legal guardian.
AdventHealth eCare is Now Available for VCS Families
Using AdventHealth eCare, students and their parents will experience a face-to-face video visit with a board-certified physician or nurse practitioner for a range of urgent care issues, such as pink eye, coughs/colds/flu, minor injuries, allergies, urinary tract infections, and more.
During this virtual visit, students can receive a diagnosis for minor ailments, learn about treatment options, receive follow-up instructions and obtain a prescription if needed – all without leaving the comfort of your own home.